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JBW-300A Computer Screen Display Pendulum Impact Tester 300J

할 수있다 25, 2018

JBW-300A Computer Screen Display Pendulum Impact Tester 300J


The JBW-300C/450C/600C microcomputer control automatic testing machine was used to test the performance of metal materials under dynamic load resistance to impact, detection equipment of metallurgy, machinery manufacturing and other units of the necessary, the test equipment is indispensable for the research of new materials research institute.

Techinical data:

모델 JBDW-300Y JBDW-500Y
Show type microcomputer screen disply
충격 에너지 150J/300J 250J/500J
swing center to the point of impact distance 750mm 800mm
충돌 속도 5.2m / s 5.4 m / s
Pendulum pre tilt angle 150°
sample bearing span 40+0.2mm
Jaw fillet R1-1.5mm
Impact of blade radius R2-2.5mm,R8±0.05mm
표본의 크기 10(7.5,5)mm×10mm×55mm


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