-Testis universae Machina, Testis impulsum Machina-


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et quod probatio universae machina

December 26, 2017

et quod probatio universae machina

A universal testing machine pulls, comprimit, donec curvata vel materiae ipsi conteram tangens. Haec enim materia tum quid probat ut talis est, idoneam ad usus maxime. Praesertim in usus universae tentationis machina est, quae in armorum officinas, vel variis fingunt materia plastica.

One or two vertical columns are mounted on a base to form the body of the universal testing machine. A second horizontal plate, with attachments to hold the sample, slides up and down while performing stress tests on the samples. Machines with one vertical column are typically smaller and more affordable, though they often lack the ability to compress materials. Dual-vertical column machines are considerably more expensive but can handle larger samples in terms of both size and weight.

The most common test performed by a universal testing machine is a test of tensile strength. One end of a sample is held in place while the other end is pulled away until they two sides are torn apart. Flexural strength is tested in a similar fashion, but the machine pushes on one end of the sample instead of pulling on it. Again, the test stops when the sample breaks, though some materials are flexible enough that they will bend, rather than breaking, giving no final results.


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